We make bags for well-known listed companies such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Flying Branch, BYD, Great Wall, Xinbao, and so on. We are so careful in our services. Do you have any concerns about giving us your product packaging bags?
CPE basic quality requirements:
- The materials are all semi-permeable white CPE, and the materials must have a matte effect;
The color and softness of the material must be consistent with the sample;
The color of the circular marking is black, printed on copper plate, and full of ink. The size and line thickness must be consistent with the sample. There should be no defects such as ink overflow and lack of ink:
The sealing is firm, no damage, no hairline, jagged and other appearance defects; 5. The surface of the bag is clean, and there should be no defects such as dirt and ink stains;
The viscose of the ziplock bag cannot be wrinkled. 7. After the product is packed in plastic bags, there should be no problems such as powder falling or oil spills that cause product contamination.
The inner surface of the plastic bag must not cause scratches on the product; there must not be static electricity or shiny surfaces that cause the product (bright silicone sleeve) to be difficult to install. To
Summary of bad problems
1.Bad printing ghost;

2. Poor ink;

3. Insufficient sealing-poor damage (no damage occurs, but it will be cracked as NG if it is pulled lightly);

4. Poorly dirty;

5. There are strips on the surface of the material;

6. The material has impurity defects;

7. The sealing has burrs or bad saw gear shape;

8. Poor release of the adhesive tape (after the transparent film on the adhesive tape is torn off, the adhesive is transferred to the transparent film, and there is little or no adhesive on the CPE bag);

9. The sealing line is badly blackened;

10. The opening of the bag is not neat and bad;

11. Poor wrinkling of the adhesive tape of the ziplock bag.

Recommended reading《Investigation on Suppliers of ECO-frendly Degradable Poly Bags》