Hainan: A total ban on single-use non-degradable plastics by the end of 2020

Hainan: A total ban on single-use non-degradable plastics by the end of 2020


Recently, the General Office of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Hainan Provincial People’s Government jointly issued the “Implementation Plan for the Total Prohibition of the Production, Sale and Use of Disposable Non-degradable Plastic Products in Hainan Province.” The Hainan Provincial Press Office held a press conference to interpret the relevant content.

Hainan: A total ban on single-use non-degradable plastics by the end of 2020

According to the person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, last year’s Central Document No. 12 clearly stated that the production, sale and use of disposable non-degradable plastic bags and plastic tableware in Hainan should be completely prohibited. In order to implement the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and to ensure that the ecological environment of Hainan can only be better and not deteriorated, Hainan Province has researched and formulated this plan. This plan is also one of Hainan’s landmark measures to promote the national ecological civilization pilot zone. . The “Plan” proposes that Hainan’s comprehensive ban on plastics will steadily advance by industry and category. Before the end of this year, a directory that prohibits the production, sale and use of disposable non-degradable plastic products will be issued. By the end of 2020, the production, sale and use of disposable non-degradable plastic bags and plastic tableware listed in the directory will be completely prohibited across the province .

Develop degradation enterprises and encourage enterprise transformation.

Related persons also introduced that Hainan will establish a certification system for fully biodegradable plastic products, and only products that meet the requirements of the ban on plastics can be marketed and used. At present, the technology of fully biodegradable plastics is relatively mature, the materials can basically be made domestically, and the expansion speed is relatively fast, which can meet the replacement needs of Hainan Province after the “ban on plastics”. Hainan is encouraging all biodegradable plastic products companies to invest in Hainan. The enterprises that produce plastic products in Hainan Province will also transform to the production of fully biodegradable products.

Hainan: A total ban on single-use non-degradable plastics by the end of 2020

News link: The world’s annual output of plastic waste is about 300 million tons. Nearly 90 countries and regions have introduced plastic control measures

According to the person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, data released by the United Nations Environment Programme in 2018 show that the world’s annual production of plastic waste is about 300 million tons. A large amount of plastic waste enters the soil or the ocean and eventually forms “white pollution.” In order to control the further aggravation of “white pollution”, nearly 90 countries and regions around the world have issued relevant policies or regulations to control or prohibit disposable non-degradable plastic products. “Prohibition of plastics” is becoming a global consensus and common measure to protect the environment.

Hainan: A total ban on single-use non-degradable plastics by the end of 2020

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